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Centro Donna


It is a free service of the City Council of Cesena, runned by the Cooperative “ Libra” .
Here women receive listening, attention and assistance to find their way towards a social, psychological and professional independence.

It provides useful information
to search locally for services, facilities and opportunities, to implement working experiences and training courses.

It helps to fill in curriculum vitae
and another useful documentation for job interviews.

It provides free legal advice
Four female lawyers provide information and advices on family issues (separation, divorce or custody of children, etc..), violence, psychological and physical abuse, stalking, mobbing and discriminations.
It is a service available on certain days.

It provides free psychological service
Two female psychologists offer individual paths in order to help women who are experiencing difficulties and, more specifically, are victims of violence and abuse.
It is a service available on certain days.
The psychological service offers also some group intervention on specific topic such as love addiction, self esteem and empowerment.

It provides free career guidance
The female occupational psychologist offers individual paths in order to help women victims of violence and abuse to search professional independence. It is a service available on certain days. 
The service supports women to implement theirs skills, experiences, and availability in order to find
the appropriate job.

It provides support and knowledge against violence and abuse
It is part of the anti-violence Centres of Emilia Romagna and it is part of the National antiviolence Trust (Free Telephone Number 1522 ).
The multidisciplinary team, made up of female social workers, psychologists and lawyers, listen and support victims in the process of escaping from violence, while respecting their needs and priorities. It is crucial to work alongside with others services within the local antiviolence network.

It offers educational actions
The female sociologist, in collaboration with others workers, delivers free workshops for students and teachers on the topics of violence’s prevention in relationships and on equal opportunities.

It promotes equal opportunities and women associations
The Center collaborates with The City Council’s Equal Opportunities Office to promote initiatives in terms of women’s policies and raises citizens’ awareness on the issues of equal opportunities and gender issues

There are also books, magazines and further material
on gender issues for the purpose ofresearch, dissertation, surveys or just for personal interest in women’ status


Data Ultima Modifica:
30 Maggio 2022

Data di Pubblicazione:
16 Gennaio 2019

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