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Cosa visitare

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discover the area

Sanctuary of the holy heart of Jesus - Martorano


Piazzale Sacro Cuore, 66
47522 Cesena - Martorano (FC)


The church was built in 1968-72 on a project by the engineer Casali. It is a modern work of art, with precious glass window and panels made by copper.

By bicycle, motor-bike, car (two car-park aside the church) and bus (line 21).
There is a gate for handicapped people.


Tel: 0547 383019
Fax: 0547 383019

Timetable of the lithurgical celebrations
- weekdays: 8am and 3pm (in Summer: 8am and 4pm);
- holidays: 7.30, 9 and 11am (in Summer: 7, 9 and 11am).

Tourist guide
It is available a guide of the sanctuary, decorated with a lot of photos.

Foreign languages
English and French.



Turismo Made in Cesena