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Palace of Ridotto - Cesena
Piazza Almerici
47521 Cesena - Centro Storico (FC)

It is the main civic palace of the town and was erected between 1401 and 1403 (then enlarged between 1466 and 1472). It hosted the civic meetings (the ancient name 'Conservato' derives from the organ of the Conservatori). From 1722 the palace became meeting-point of the nobles of Cesena (meeting='Ridotto'), who remade the facade in neoclassical style (Cosimo Moreli, 1782-87) in honour of pope Pious VI Braschi. Amazing the great bronze statue of the pope (F.Calligari, 1791).
By bicycle, motor-bike, car and bus (line 4 and line 5).
Tel: 0547 29845
info: 0547 356327 (IAT)
At the first floor there is a conference-room, reachable only in case of meetings; at the ground floor, it hosts the Civic Gallery of Art, which is open in variable times.