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Tourist Services

CAI - Club Alpino Italiano Cesena (Italian Mountain Club of Cesena)


Via Cesenatico n°5735 località Macerone, Cesena
Official Website 


The Official Italian Alpino Club is a historical association with a 140 year tradition. It was created the 23rd October 1863 in Turin, eventhough it can be sayed that that it was created the 12 August of the same year during the famous ascent to Monviso by Quintino Sella, Giovanni Baracco and Paolo and Giacinto di Saint Robert - The CAI is a free national association that as its first article says, " has the aim of paracticing all types of mountain-climbing, the knowledge and study of mountains, specially Italian mountains, and the protection of the natural environment".

- Mountain-climbing lessons;
- Hikking lessons, journey retinue;
- Hikking start up lessons for schools;
- Disabled people retinue;
- Public slide projections about nature and culture;
- Mountain security lessons. 


C.A.I. Club Alpino Italiano Sezione di Cesena
Social and Sports Center Via Cesenatico n°5735 - Macerone, 47521 CESENA (FC)
Open every Wednesday (except holidays) from 9 p.m. to 11p.m 
Phone: 0547661461 - Fax: 0547661461
Email segreteria: cesena@cai.it

Turismo Made in Cesena