Sei in: Home » discover the area Art and Culture Museums and galleries Near Cesena Italian museum of cast iron - Longiano
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Italian museum of cast iron - Longiano
Via Emilia, 1626
47020 Longiano
Esposizione Via S. Maria 18/a (FC)
Sito Ufficiale

The eighteenth-cenury little church of Santa Maria delle Lacrime (=tears) hosts an amazing exhibition of hand-works in cast-iron, dating back to the period between the middle of XIX century and the first decades of the XX century. Besides the majestic candleholders, coming fron different Italian cities (Turin, Bologna, Vigevano) and European cities (Dublin). You can also admire more little objects, such as a column-fountain, some masks for fountains and a number of shutters for doors.
By bike, motor-bike and car.
Further information
- guided visits on request (please contact the numbers above);
- guided visits on request to the complete collection hosted at Neri's;
- for further information about cast-iron and urban settlement, it is possible to consult
Tel: 0547 652171/652172/652111
Fax: 0547 54074
Opening times
Saturday, Sunday and holidays:
October-May from 2.30 pm to 6.00 pm;
June-September 3.00 pm to 6.30 pm;
other days, on appointment.
Admission fee
Free entrance