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Largo De Gasperi, 9
47027 Sarsina (FC)
Official Website 


The commune occupies a surface of over 100 kmq and extends itself from the mid-valley of the stream Borello to that of the Savio, and along the stream Para. Sarsina was inhabitated by umbrian people aronud IV-III century b.C. and in 266 b.C. was conquered by the Romans, who made it a federal-town (of the Roman rule important signs are placed in tha National Archeologic Museum). Moreover, the great commedian Tito Maccio Plauto was born in Sarsina. The economy is essentially based on agricolture, but some factories have been recently built around. Among the events, the Plautus Festival (theatre, in August), the Fiest of the Easter Loaf and the Fiest of the Patron S. Vicinio (to whom is also dedicated the cathedral, the most important monument).

Quarto, a town of the Alto Savio, is so called due to the distance from the ancient roman city-hole of Sarsina, four roman miles.The homonymous lake, risen from a landslide of 1812, is one of the surrounds of greater naturalistic interest of the High Valley of Savio river. Its territory, thanks to the many activities to do along the watercourses which cross it, represents a real paradise for the lovers of the nature. In Quarto in fact it is possible to do trekking, mountain bike and to reach very interesting panoramic areas running along paths trough woods and forests.
Appreciated it is also its gastronomy. In the receptive structures, dipped in the green, the culinary art is the genuine one of the tradition of Romagna and Tuscany. There are also many areas for camping and picnics.
Directly in the centre of the town, not to lose is the Sanctuary of Madonna Pellegrina where there is, with other paintings, the sole representation of Uguccione della Faggiola's castle, cited by Dante Alighieri in his Divine Comedy.


- distances from : Cesena 30 km, Sansepolcro 45 km, Forlì 48 km, Rimini 60 km
- toll-house of: CESENA NORD (Autostrada A14) 34 km
- SGC (ways of great communication) gate: CESENA NORD (SGC E45) 34 km
- train station: CESENA 30 km
- airport: Forlì 48 km

- ways of great communication (SGC): gates of SARSINA and SARSINA SUD (SGC E45)



Tel: 0547 94901
Fax: 0547 95384


Town surface: 100 kmq
Altitude: 243 m. slm
Population (31/12/02): 3.659 inhab.
Density (31/12/02): 37 inhab./kmq



Turismo Made in Cesena