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discover the area

Mercato Saraceno


Piazza Mazzini, 50
47025 Mercato Saraceno (FC)
Official Website

Mercato Saraceno

The name of Mercato Saraceno is due to Saraceno degli Onesti, lord of the village in 1300, who had here a market. The village has ever had an agricoltural traditon, most of all for wines. The centre is Piazza Mazzini, with the Town Hall and the church of S. Maria Nuova. Other monuments: Palazzo Dolcini (cultural centre) and the churches of Ss. Cosma and Damiano and Monte Sorbo.


- distances from: Cesena 20 km
- toll-house: CESENA NORD (A14) 20 km
- train station: CESENA 20 km
- airport: Rimini 55 km

- ways of great communication (SGC): gates of BIVIO MONTEGELLI, MERCATO SARACENO, MONTECASTELLO (SGC E45)
- statal ways: S.S. 71



Tel: 0547 91016 (centralino)
Fax: 0547 90141

Town surface: 99,75 kmq
Altitude: 134 m. slm
Population: 6.711 inhab.
Density: 67inhab./kmq
Cartographic references (IGM 1:25.000)



Turismo Made in Cesena