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Piazza Risorgimento, 6
47035 Gambettola (FC)
Official Website


Gambettola lays in an enviable position at the edge of Via Emilia, near Cesena. It doesn't boast of monuments coming from the past, but it is nevertheless an amazing village, with ancient and particular activities, above all the re-use of old iron. Moreover, the most typical handcrafts of Romagna, handprinted clothes, has still bastions just in Gambettola. The Spring Floats (on Easter Monday and the following Sunday) are, at last, one of the most crowded fiests of the region.


- from Cesena 8 Km.
- toll house: CESENA 8 Km.
- gate SGC (ways of great communication): CESENA OVEST 12 Km.
- airport: Rimini 30 Km.

- statal ways: S.S. 9 (Via Emilia)
- provincial ways: S.P. 62 (Gambettola-Gatteo); S.P. 97 (Gambettola-Sala); S.P. 90 (Gambettola-Cesena)
- train station: GAMBETTOLA (line Bologna-Ancona).



Tel: 0547 45111
Fax: 0547 45222

Town surface: 7,7 kmq
Altitude: 31 m. slm
Population (31/12/98): 10.099
Density (31/12/02): 1.332 inhab./kmq
Cartographic references (IGM 1:25.000):NODATI



Turismo Made in Cesena