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Convent of Cappuccini Friars


Via Cappuccini, 341
47521 Cesena (FC) 


The convent lies on a hill, just outside the town centre, and is reachable by a nice walk. Its history is relatively short: built in 1559 and enlarged in 1616, it lived a number of bad adventures after 1796, just when Pope Pious VI have ordered its reconstruction. The church hosts the important 'St Francesco who gets stigmate' (1646 ca.) Moreover, 'The Arcangel Gabriel and the Assumpted Vergin' (1693-94), among the few works by Marco Maria Lascari from Cesena.

By bicycle, motor-bike and car.
Big car-park.

Further information
- liturgical celebration: in weekdays at 7am, in holidays at 10am;
- centre for vocation and spirituality.


Tel: 0547 22299
Fax: 0547 22299

-Free access to the church; for other visits, reservation is needed.
- Opening times on Sundays and holidays


Turismo Made in Cesena
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